November 3, 2008

October Odds and Ends

I am not sure where the month of October went but I do have some cute highlights to tell you about.

Hannah had a great season of fall soccer. I think she only had to practice and play a game one time in the rain. For anyone who knows Washington knows that is pretty amazing for fall! Hannah's coach was wonderful this year. He was really dedicated and knowledgeable. Hannah really enjoyed his coaching style and hopes he will be her coach for spring soccer.

One thing the kids will miss about the nice weather is when Grampa Duane stops by and lets all the neighborhood kids climb in his truck! Almost as soon as he pulls up the kids start running over. Grampa Duane plays the"Who let the dogs out!" song really loud and the kids start dancing! He is also known for having goodies in his truck. I can usually find them snacking on chips or cookies, right before dinner of course! :)

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into Julia's room and found this!

I had put her down for her nap and about 30 minutes later she was crying. When I went into her room she was standing up looking half awake and very confused. I can only guess that she did this before falling asleep and then woke up fussy because she was uncomfortable. I had to run down and get my camera, by the time I came back up she was smiling. I still don't know how she did this, she doesn't try to take off her clothes and has not done it since.

Speaking of Julia, she is NOT a spoiled little girl! Her siblings NEVER give into her and give her whatever she wants. I was on the computer and looked over to find Alyssa standing next to the barbie house, HOLDING Julia so that she could play on the top floor!

I wont lie and say that Garret is thrilled to have lost his position in the family as the "baby" but he does have his cute big brother moments where he shows that he really does love his little sister.

The weather decided to change in a huge way and the kids were going to have a day off from school so I decided it would be a whole lot more exciting to go here than sit at home and watch it rain. The kids were SO ExCiTeD when they came home from school Thursday and I told them to pack their swimsuits and pj's cause we were heading out!

Well before I let this post turn into a novel I guess I will wrap up October with Halloween! We had tons of unseasonably warm weather the week of Halloween. Until the 31st of course! Thankfully though the rain let up long enough to head out and enjoy our church trunk or treat party! We also got to enjoy pumkin pickin at the Huber farm! One of Papa's pumpkins weighed in at 70 lbs!

That should just about do it for October! Stayed tuned for more of our crazy life in November!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family. God Bless!

Scott said...

holy crap you guys have way too much fun. your kids must all be angels. haha. i would have liked to see the picture of julia before the smiles. lol

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog! We need to get all the kiddos together sometime soon!

Danielle said...

cute pictures. I love that you have a blog!!!

Nathan Utt said...

Thank you for the update. You are an awesome family. Have a super day!

Angie said...

How cute are they? Everyone looks wonderful!!! I'm happy to have found you guys again.


Nancy said...

How did you like Great Wolf Lodge? We are going there in December (the one in Dallas), can't wait!